RE: OPFFA Endorsement of Premier McGuinty
1. WHEREAS: government relations has become one of the cornerstones of
2. the OPFFA's core service delivery and,
3. WHEREAS: the OPFFA has invested substantial finances and numerous
4. resources including countless hours of dedication by our representatives
5. to establish a professional and respected government relations program
6. and,
7. WHEREAS: the OPFFA has adopted the same government relations
8. philosophy and approach as the IAFF insofar as supporting those who
9. support us and,
10. WHEREAS: the OPFFA is cognizant that locals have relationships with
11. MPPs from all parties and,
12. WHEREAS: the OPFFA continues to strongly encourage locals to engage
13. in political action by supporting a member who has displayed support for
14. our issues regardless of party affiliation and,
15. WHEREAS: the current Premier has exhibited a level of respect and
16. recognition for the OPFFA, professional fire fighters and their families of
17. which we have not witnessed prior in our history and,
18. WHEREAS: this new relationship has created positive results in an
19. unprecedented ten areas of legislation and government announcements
20. including; improvements to our pension plan, presumptive legislation, the
21. $30 million fire services grant, and the creation of the Tribute To The
22. Fallen, and,
23. WHEREAS: these achievements could not have been attained without
24. strong leadership within the government and,
25. WHEREAS: the Premier for the Province of Ontario, the Hon. Dalton
26. McGuinty, has displayed undeniably steadfast leadership with respect to
27. the issues affecting Ontario's professional fire fighters and their families
28. and,
29. WHEREAS: Premier McGuinty has created a constructive working
30. environment with the OPFFA to address our concerns,
31. That the OPFFA demonstrate its support for Premier McGuinty's
32. leadership on matters affecting Ontario's professional fire fighters and
33. their families through the official endorsement of the Hon Dalton McGuinty
34. as the Premier for the Province of Ontario.
Friday, June 15, 2007
OPFFA Endorsement Resolution (Carried Unanimously)
Posted by
2:20 PM