August 7, 2007
Attention All OPFFA Local Presidents
2007 Provincial Election – Are You Ready?
Dear Local President:
As we try to enjoy another summer season filled with family vacations, rest, and relaxation (of which we all deserve) the reality is the clock has started ticking towards a very important provincial election.
We have made great strides as professional fire fighters and enjoyed unparalleled success these past four years at Queen’s Park. That success did not come without hard work and dedication. We are blessed to be in the midst of one of the best relationships with a provincial government in our history. Having been through the social contract and years of unfriendly governments, a relationship on which we can rely upon is priceless.
This fall that relationship will be tested insofar as getting our members to participate during the election. I am acutely aware of the difficulties getting our membership actively involved but we are asking all members to “Answer the Call” and simply commit 4 hours of their time. When you think about what we have achieved it is truly a pittance of time over the course of one month.
I am calling on your leadership to personally reach out to your members whether it is through station visits or by whatever means is required to ensure our members understand the importance of participating in this election.
The OPFFA endorsed Premier McGuinty during our convention but we took great care to ensure that locals were free to support whatever MPP they chose. Previously when I referred to our relationship with government, that relationship extends beyond any one political party. Our credibility is extremely high given our approach to political action.
This fall is our time to show that we truly support those who support us. The OPFFA has developed a strong election campaign:
Answer the Call - Getting Results Means Getting Involved - 4 hours is all we ask.
To make this work and give the OPFFA and our membership the reputation it deserves we need you as the local President to become active to get your members to participate.
To learn more about the OPFFA’s campaign, how to participate locally or, to get assistance with your members contact OPFFA S/T Mark McKinnon, Executive V/P Brian George or me. October 10th will be here before we know it.
Fred LeBlanc,
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
President LeBlanc's letter to Local Presidents
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1:11 PM