As fire fighters we know how important it is to have a government that listens to our concerns. It is our right to be able to speak to and educate our political representatives about our issues and concerns. We also know that this is not always the case.
Think back to the early 90’s when what was thought to be a “labour friendly government” was elected with a majority. We were all shocked when we were faced with the Social Contract. It was a time not to long ago when we were forced to sit by and watch our collective agreements being trampled and our wages frozen.
Rebounding from that, in 1995 and lasting through to 2003 we were faced with a government that set out to change government and its approach with the Common Sense Revolution!
For professional fire fighters in the province of Ontario, the passage of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act in 1997 fundamentally altered our collective bargaining rights, totally disrupted our arbitration system, introduced opportunities for privatization, managerial exclusions and a corporate culture within the fire service.
For the first time in recent memory fire fighters demonstrated at Queens Park, we lobbied our MPPs and Members of Cabinet. We wrote letters, submitted legislative briefs before the government and worked collectively across the province to try to defeat or at least alter this drastic affront on the legislation we lived by for decades as fire fighters in the province.
In 2003, fire fighters did not support the re-election of the Conservative government. A Liberal majority government was elected and it was the dawning of a new era in government relations for Ontario’s professional fire fighters.
Almost 4 years later we have seen the benefits of a government that treats us with respect, considers us a legitimate stakeholder and, truly listens to us when we ask to be heard.
What have we learned from the past 12 years? We must continue to support those who support us – regardless of party. We cannot sit idly by and watch our valued relationship slip away and allow history to repeat itself.
This year the OPFFA is making it easy for you to participate. Following is the OPFFA’s 2007 Provincial election strategy:
Getting Involved means Getting Results – Answer the Call – 4 Hours
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Remembering the past!
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9:31 AM