Sign up to volunteer 4 hours of your time. Let’s be there for those who stood up for us in getting important legislation passed such as:
1. Pension reform (OMERS Autonomy) and,
2. Occupational Disease Coverage (Presumptive Legislation)
4 hours during this fall’s provincial election is a small investment of your time that can produce significant results.
Yes, all we are asking for is 4 hours of your time!
As fire fighters, we support those who support us!
"Getting Results means Getting Involved", so let’s be there to “Answer the Call”
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
4 Hours is all we ask for!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sault Ste MArie FF's endorse Orazietti
News Release from David Orazietti on
Orazietti welcomes endorsement from Sault Ste. Marie Local 529 Firefighter Association
SAULT STE. MARIE - (September 24) - The McGuinty government stood up for professional firefighters over the past four years and supported their hard work and dedication.
We passed one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation to compensate firefighters who suffer fire-related illnesses with Bill 221, recognizing that firefighters are vital to the protection of all Ontarians, stated Sault Ste. Marie Liberal candidate David Orazietti today.
"Firefighters and their families in Sault Ste. Marie make sacrifices every day to keep Ontarians safe and deserve compensation for work-related illnesses," said Orazietti.
"I would like to thank Rob Greave, Randy Richards and all members of Local 529 for their generous support but more importantly I want to thank them for their dedication to the people of Sault Ste. Marie," said Orazietti.
Firefighters know how important it is to have a government who listens to their concerns.
This was not always the case. In the 1990's what was thought to be a "labour friendly government" brought in the Social Contract, trampled collective agreements and froze wages.
Under the passage of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act in 1997 collective bargaining rights were fundamentally altered and the arbitration system was totally disrupted.
For the first time in recent memory fire fighters demonstrated at Queens Park lobbied MPPs and members of cabinet to try to defeat or at least alter this drastic affront on the legislation that fire fighters had lived by for decades in Ontario.
The election of the McGuinty government in 2003 signalled an improvement in government relations for Ontario's professional firefighters.
Almost four years later, firefighters have seen the benefits of a government that treats them with respect, considers them a legitimate stakeholder, and truly listens to their concerns.
The province supported firefighters and their families by passing legislation that allows specific diseases or heart injuries to be prescribed in regulations under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA).
This will allow the list of diseases presumed to be work-related to be reviewed and updated, through regulation, based on emerging medical information and input from fire sector stakeholders.
The conditions and qualifications for compensation for eight types of cancer, as well as heart injuries suffered within 24 hours of fighting a fire or participating in a fire training exercise are now identified under the WSIA.
This regulation will ensure that Ontario's workplace insurance system treats firefighters and their families fairly when a worker's compensation claim is filed.
In addition to the occupational disease coverage in Bill 221, the McGuinty government introduced pension reform by making the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) independent.
The McGuinty government committed to devolve the province's role in OMERS governance and return the responsibility to those who pay into the plan.
The act explicitly protects the main OMERS pension plan from any costs resulting from supplemental plans for police, firefighters and paramedics.
It specifically prohibits one employee from subsidizing the benefits of another.
The Ontario government is providing up to $10 million in funding over a two-year transitional period to:
- Help cover the start-up costs of supplemental plans for police, fire and paramedic employees.
- Assist with the initial costs of the newly established sponsors corporation.
- Meet the costs associated with the provincially-appointed facilitator.
- Test and prove the new governance model's effectiveness through a review, no later than 2012.
The NDP and the Conservatives voted against giving control over the OMERS pension plan to those who actually pay into it - Bill 206.
"This fall will be a truly defining moment for the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association (OPFFA). It presents an opportunity for all of us to prove that as professional firefighters, we will not abandon those who have supported us in so many positive and constructive ways," said Fred Leblanc, President OPFFA.
Over the past four years Ontario's firefighters have seen the difference between a government that listens and respects them and the governments of the previous 12 years under the NDP and Conservatives.
"We depend on our professional firefighters who put their own lives at risk in order to protect ours," said Orazietti.
"We owe it to them to keep working to make sure our firefighters stay safe and healthy, but if they do get sick, we want to make sure they get the support they need."
Posted by
11:17 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Remembering the past!
As fire fighters we know how important it is to have a government that listens to our concerns. It is our right to be able to speak to and educate our political representatives about our issues and concerns. We also know that this is not always the case.
Think back to the early 90’s when what was thought to be a “labour friendly government” was elected with a majority. We were all shocked when we were faced with the Social Contract. It was a time not to long ago when we were forced to sit by and watch our collective agreements being trampled and our wages frozen.
Rebounding from that, in 1995 and lasting through to 2003 we were faced with a government that set out to change government and its approach with the Common Sense Revolution!
For professional fire fighters in the province of Ontario, the passage of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act in 1997 fundamentally altered our collective bargaining rights, totally disrupted our arbitration system, introduced opportunities for privatization, managerial exclusions and a corporate culture within the fire service.
For the first time in recent memory fire fighters demonstrated at Queens Park, we lobbied our MPPs and Members of Cabinet. We wrote letters, submitted legislative briefs before the government and worked collectively across the province to try to defeat or at least alter this drastic affront on the legislation we lived by for decades as fire fighters in the province.
In 2003, fire fighters did not support the re-election of the Conservative government. A Liberal majority government was elected and it was the dawning of a new era in government relations for Ontario’s professional fire fighters.
Almost 4 years later we have seen the benefits of a government that treats us with respect, considers us a legitimate stakeholder and, truly listens to us when we ask to be heard.
What have we learned from the past 12 years? We must continue to support those who support us – regardless of party. We cannot sit idly by and watch our valued relationship slip away and allow history to repeat itself.
This year the OPFFA is making it easy for you to participate. Following is the OPFFA’s 2007 Provincial election strategy:
Getting Involved means Getting Results – Answer the Call – 4 Hours
Posted by
9:31 AM
"Answering the Call"
The OPFFA has adopted and initiated a political action plan for this fall’s (October 10th, 2007) upcoming Provincial Election.
Our plan, called “Answering the Call” was rolled out in early May of this year and we continue to build on it.
What have we done?
In essence, we have created a virtual “Provincial Fire Fighters Campaign Office”.
The OPFFA’s political action plan, “Answering the Call” uses our existing organizational structure with the additional feature of the aforementioned virtual campaign office.
The plan establishes a support structure that that addresses strategy, resources and communications needs for each of our locals.
As we continue to move forward we will review and evaluate each political party’s platform with respect to fire service issues. We will identify the positive and negative features of each party’s platform on our members and their families.
We have and will continue to evaluate the actions and level of support from each of the incumbent candidates, working with our member locals to ensure that a fire fighter friendly government is elected on October 10th.
Within our campaign we are providing a three pronged approach to not only support our efforts as a provincial Executive Board, but one that provides all the necessary assistance and resources our members need on the ground to achieve success.
Our virtual campaign’s three pillar approach includes:
1. Strategy Desk,
2. Communications Desk and,
3. Resource Desk.
Strategy Desk
Our Strategy Desk will be available from now through to October 11th to assist your local in developing, implementing and adapting your local strategy as need be.
Led by President LeBlanc, the Strategy Desk team will be readably accessible for your local association leaders when the need arises.
Communications Desk
From now until Election Day, and even the days following October 10th our Communications Desk team will be available 24/7 to assist your local in addressing communications related issues that arise.
Whether it be from local media, municipal administration, your fire service management, we will be there to assist in managing the response, if need be.
Led by Secretary/Treasurer McKinnon, and including but not limited to President LeBlanc and representatives from the IAFF, we are confident that our Communications Desk will be there with sound advice when needed.
Resource Desk
The Resource Desk itself will provide a multi-dimensioned level of support and assistance.
We have, developed and populated a “Resource Desk” database within our current OPFFA Database for access by your local and political action committee leaders.
This customized section of our database will provide, at your association’s finger tips, all the information you could possibly need for the upcoming election.
Each and every electoral district (riding) has been researched, and all relevant information with regards to the incumbent, their stance on our issues, their record with us, their opponents bios, candidates' political history (where applicable), media monitoring, past election results, etc. have been complied and are ready for use.
Further, our Resource Desk database in a one stop shopping type format, has links to all necessary Elections Ontario sites, political parties sites, leaders' sites, province wide media clippings, our Legislative Fact Sheets, riding maps and descriptions, current polling, etc.
Secondly, the Resource Desk, led by Executive Vice-President George will be available to provide research and information gathering service from here to Election Day as required.
The Resource Desk will also be providing, during the election period (September 10th to October 10th), on the ground assistance in ensuring we have the representation where and when it is needed across the province.
District Vice-Presidents
The District Vice-Presidents will continue to assist their locals in building the team and resources necessary to effectively participate in the election campaign. They will continue to monitor election preparedness activity for the locals within their respective districts.
We are both excited and confident in our political action plan, “Answering the Call”.
We hope that this brief synopsis of our plan and our efforts instill a level of confidence for you that we have a sound plan and structure in place.
To be successful, all we need is 4 hours of your time between Labour Day weekend and October 10th.
If you would like to do more, that would be even better.
4 hours is very little to ask for to display our appreciation for what we have achieved and to ensure we continue to have opportunities for future success.
Getting Results means Getting Involved!
Contact your local President or the OPFFA today to find out how you can do you part to Answer the Call.
Sign me up for your 4 Hours
Posted by
9:30 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Respect !
For the past four years, we, professional fire fighters in the province of Ontario, have enjoyed a working relationship, built on a mutual level of respect and a level of recognition as legitimate stakeholders with this government.
Fire fighters in this province have not experienced a relationship like this in a long, long time.
There is a lot more than a couple of pieces of legislation at stake this October!
Posted by
2:13 PM
Contrast this !
Under the previous Conservative provincial government (1995 - 2003) we, professional fire fighters in the province of Ontario, spent $563,735.67 defending our rights against the attacks of the government.
We have yet to spend a dollar fighting legislation introduced by the current government!
Posted by
2:06 PM
Our Issues: Going Forward!
Arbitration Process for Fire Fighters
The Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 introduced a new process for the interest arbitration process resulting in lengthy delays for decisions and significantly rising cost for both the municipality and the local association.
The FPPA introduced conciliation through the Ministry of Labour prior to moving to arbitration. Furthermore the introduction of mediation/arbitration (as opposed to arbitration) has resulted in lengthy delays for decisions and increased costs for all parties.
The OPFFA is seeking to streamline the current process with a goal to return to the arbitration system as previously set out in the Fire Departments Act (repealed for the FPPA). The previous system allowed for a direct step to arbitration and resulted in a much quicker and more efficient process.
Funding for Front-line Staffing
Currently over 80% of the full-time fire departments are operating with understaffed vehicles (less then 4 firefighters per vehicle) and do not meet NFPA standards for staffing and deployment. In many cases these departments cannot even meet the Fire Marshals’ Office guideline of “10 in 10”. In the past the government has made provisions for the funding of front line staff for police and paramedics. While the Fire Services Grant (2005) was welcome funding, it was only a one-time grant.
The OPFFA is seeking a similar funding program (Community Policing Partnerships Program) where the province invested in the hiring on 1,000 additional front-line police officers.
Mandatory Retirement
The Ontario Human Rights Code (“Code”) was amended to allow workers to work beyond age 65 without being forced to retire based solely on age. The “Code” does allow for mandatory retirement based upon a bona-fide occupational retirement (BFOR). Notwithstanding, the BFOR must be proven on an individual or case by case basis.
The OPFFA believes that the BFOR should apply to all fire fighters who engage in suppression or training activities as the effects are similar regardless of location. Currently there are numerous cases moving forward to the Ontario Human Rights Commission on an individual basis. The effect of challenging these claims introduces an enormous financial burden on both the municipality and the local association. Having an “exemption” for fighters identified within the legislation recognizes a BFOR for the occupation and prevents future challenges.
IAFF Logo on Ontario License Plates
The OPFFA is working with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to produce OPFFA graphic license plates with the IAFF logo. These license plates would only be issued to OPFFA active and retired members in good standing.
Posted by
1:14 PM
President LeBlanc's letter to Local Presidents
August 7, 2007
Attention All OPFFA Local Presidents
2007 Provincial Election – Are You Ready?
Dear Local President:
As we try to enjoy another summer season filled with family vacations, rest, and relaxation (of which we all deserve) the reality is the clock has started ticking towards a very important provincial election.
We have made great strides as professional fire fighters and enjoyed unparalleled success these past four years at Queen’s Park. That success did not come without hard work and dedication. We are blessed to be in the midst of one of the best relationships with a provincial government in our history. Having been through the social contract and years of unfriendly governments, a relationship on which we can rely upon is priceless.
This fall that relationship will be tested insofar as getting our members to participate during the election. I am acutely aware of the difficulties getting our membership actively involved but we are asking all members to “Answer the Call” and simply commit 4 hours of their time. When you think about what we have achieved it is truly a pittance of time over the course of one month.
I am calling on your leadership to personally reach out to your members whether it is through station visits or by whatever means is required to ensure our members understand the importance of participating in this election.
The OPFFA endorsed Premier McGuinty during our convention but we took great care to ensure that locals were free to support whatever MPP they chose. Previously when I referred to our relationship with government, that relationship extends beyond any one political party. Our credibility is extremely high given our approach to political action.
This fall is our time to show that we truly support those who support us. The OPFFA has developed a strong election campaign:
Answer the Call - Getting Results Means Getting Involved - 4 hours is all we ask.
To make this work and give the OPFFA and our membership the reputation it deserves we need you as the local President to become active to get your members to participate.
To learn more about the OPFFA’s campaign, how to participate locally or, to get assistance with your members contact OPFFA S/T Mark McKinnon, Executive V/P Brian George or me. October 10th will be here before we know it.
Fred LeBlanc,
Posted by
1:11 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sault Ste Marie FF's Thank Minister Peters
Thank Minister Peters for Presumptive Legislation
19 July 2008: Local 529 President Rob Greve offered thanks on behalf of the Sault Ste. Marie Professional Fire Fighters Association to Minister of Labour Steve Peters who was visiting the city. Minister Peters, pictured with SSMPFFA President Greve (r) and Association Secretary Murray McGrath (l), stopped by Fire Hall #1. SSMPFFA President Greve praised the Minister for his work in securing passage of Bill 221 that provided amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to include eight cancers and heart attacks as occupational diseases related to fire fighting. "The government legislation will ease financial and mental hardship for families of firefighters who suffer a work related illness," said Greve as reported in the Sault Ste. Marie Star. Also on hand for the Minister's visit was Sault Ste. Marie MPP David Orazietti.
Posted by
8:34 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Windsor Fire Fighters Support for Pupatello!
Windsor Fire Fighters Display Their Support for Pupatello
July 17, 2007 - Windsor Local 455 members, along with OPFFA representatives President Fred LeBlanc, Executive V/P Brian George and S/T Mark McKinnon, were on hand to lend their support to long-standing and outspoken advocate of professional fire fighters MPP Sandra Pupatello. An antique fire truck outfitted with a large banner was positioned outside of the venue and fire fighters dressed in the identifiable gold & black t-shirts displaying a clear message "Windsor Fire Fighters for Pupatello".
Minister Pupatello was acclaimed during the recent nomination meeting to represent the Liberal party for the riding of Windsor West in the October provincial election. Guest speakers included Buzz Hargrove from the CAW, and President and CEO of DaimlerChrysler Canada Reid Bigland.
Over 400 guests packed the room to show their support for the very popular Pupatello. OPFFA President Fred LeBlanc said "I was pleased to be able to attend and join Mark, Brian and the members from Windsor to illustrate our support of one of the most fire fighter friendly MPPs I have ever worked with. The people in Windsor are very fortunate to have such a strong advocate at Queen's Park and I am confident they will return Sandra this fall."
The Hon. Dwight Duncan and MPP Bruce Crozier were also in attendance and have also received the support of Local 455.
Posted by
8:36 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
OPFFA Endorsement Resolution (Carried Unanimously)
RE: OPFFA Endorsement of Premier McGuinty
1. WHEREAS: government relations has become one of the cornerstones of
2. the OPFFA's core service delivery and,
3. WHEREAS: the OPFFA has invested substantial finances and numerous
4. resources including countless hours of dedication by our representatives
5. to establish a professional and respected government relations program
6. and,
7. WHEREAS: the OPFFA has adopted the same government relations
8. philosophy and approach as the IAFF insofar as supporting those who
9. support us and,
10. WHEREAS: the OPFFA is cognizant that locals have relationships with
11. MPPs from all parties and,
12. WHEREAS: the OPFFA continues to strongly encourage locals to engage
13. in political action by supporting a member who has displayed support for
14. our issues regardless of party affiliation and,
15. WHEREAS: the current Premier has exhibited a level of respect and
16. recognition for the OPFFA, professional fire fighters and their families of
17. which we have not witnessed prior in our history and,
18. WHEREAS: this new relationship has created positive results in an
19. unprecedented ten areas of legislation and government announcements
20. including; improvements to our pension plan, presumptive legislation, the
21. $30 million fire services grant, and the creation of the Tribute To The
22. Fallen, and,
23. WHEREAS: these achievements could not have been attained without
24. strong leadership within the government and,
25. WHEREAS: the Premier for the Province of Ontario, the Hon. Dalton
26. McGuinty, has displayed undeniably steadfast leadership with respect to
27. the issues affecting Ontario's professional fire fighters and their families
28. and,
29. WHEREAS: Premier McGuinty has created a constructive working
30. environment with the OPFFA to address our concerns,
31. That the OPFFA demonstrate its support for Premier McGuinty's
32. leadership on matters affecting Ontario's professional fire fighters and
33. their families through the official endorsement of the Hon Dalton McGuinty
34. as the Premier for the Province of Ontario.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Why Dalton McGuinty?
Backgrounder on the Leadership of Dalton McGuinty...
Under the leadership of Dalton McGuinty, the OPFFA, Ontario's professional fire fighters and their families has received a new level of respect and recognition.
Some examples of McGuinty's leadership on issues affecting our members are as follows:
Presumptive Legislation (Bill 221)
Made introduction of Presumptive Legislation a priority prior to the election
Put Bill in a position to receive 2nd and 3rd Readings and become law
Immediately worked to pass a regulation pertaining to full-time fire fighters
OMERS Autonomy (Bill 206)
Premier McGuinty kept his promise to bring us OMERS Autonomy and in doing so stood up to Sid Ryan, at the risk of an threatened illegal province-wide CUPE strike
Dalton McGuinty also stayed the course despite strong opposition over inflated costings by AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario)
Amendments to the Safe Streets Act (Bill 58)
Allowing fire fighters to take to the streets to raise money for their favourite
Resulted in fire fighters surpassing the $1 million fundraising mark for MDC
for the first time in over a decade.
Emergency Service Providers Insurance Protection Act (Bill 40)
Providing protection for fire fighters' personal insurance rates while operating fire service vehicles!
Marijuana Grow Labs Act (Bill 128)
Increased protection for Emergency Responders!
Mandatory Blood Testing Act (Bill 28)
Quicker access to medical exposure information!
Volunteer Firefighter Employment Protection Act -
(Bills 30, 130, 52 & 44)
Stood firm as opposition and government despite immense public
pressure both in the house and the media
Stated they would not undercut our collective agreements.
Private Members Bill's (130, 52, & 44) left to die on the order paper -
these Bills never made it passed First Reading
The Ontario Fire Service Grant
$30 Million for Equipment and Training
Every fire service received monies through this program
"Tribute to the Fallen"
Special recognition of those that have lost their lives in the line of duty. A
plaque recognition program, intended build on our fallen memorial service. This was personally initiated by Dalton McGuinty.
Ontario Fire Marshal
OPFFA was consulted and had significant input into the selection of the
new Fire Marshal
While the tangible results we have achieved in legislation under
Dalton McGuinty's leadership are significant, it is the relationship that he has extended to professional fire fighters that can not be overlooked. We have a working relationship, a mutual level of respect and a level of recognition as legitimate stakeholders that fire fighters in this province have not experienced in a long, long time.
This relationship resulted in the government approaching us and allowing us significant input into the selection of the new Fire Marshal.
Contrast this with the fact that under the leadership of the Conservatives we, professional fire fighters in the province of Ontario, spent $563, 735.67 defending our rights against their unfriendly government.
Bill 84 $473,740.67 (FPPA)
Bill 26 $34,859 (Omnibus Bill (Amalgamations))
Bill 30 $55,600 (Special Assessment associated with two-hatter legislation)
We have yet to spend a dollar fighting legislation introduced by Dalton McGuinty.
Points to keep in mind:
1. The endorsement of the leader of a party does not mean a broad endorsement of their party and all the party's candidates.
2. Endorsing a leader does NOT prohibit our members supporting the re-election of MPPs that have been supportive of them regardless of party affiliation.
3. Our members have never experienced such success and achieved such respect as it has with Premier McGuinty.
Should this not hold true when it comes to Premier?
Posted by
10:56 AM
OPFFA Endorses Premier McGuinty !
June 15, 2007 - The OPFFA's 10th Anniversary was celebrated in style on all fronts. OPFFA President Fred LeBlanc stated "you want to recognize important milestones such as a 10th anniversary for your organization with as much class and dignity as possible and I believe we exceeded expectations."
The Kingston Professional Fire Fighters Association L498 were the hosts of this week's event and to a person who attended the convention the Local went over and above with their hospitality and proudly displayed the beautiful City of Kingston and the solidarity of their Local.
It was a week that was filled with exciting announcements and historic decisions. The high point came with the endorsement of Premier Dalton McGuinty. This unanimous decision is most notable as it marks the first time in our history we have formally endorsed a political leader. The evidence is clear and the Premier’s record for fire fighters is strong to warrant such support.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
St Thomas FF's Thank Minister Peters
St. Thomas Firefighters Say Thanks
May 12, 2007 - St. Thomas fire fighters surprise the Minister of Labour and local MPP Steve Peters with a ride in their antique fire truck. Local 447 members escorted the Minister to their new fire hall where numerous members and their families were gathered to offer their thanks for the recent passing of Bill 221 - presumptive legislation for Ontario's fire fighters. The local presented the Minister with a framed print of the antique fire truck that the Minister was transported in as a gesture of their appreciation. Below is the media story as seen in the London Free Press.
Sue Reeve Sun Media -- firefighters grateful: Ontario Minister of Labour Steve Peters received a warm welcome from members of the St. Thomas Professional Firefighters Association and their families when he arrived at the Dennis A Redman Fire Hall yesterday in a 1951 Bickel Seagrave fire truck. Peters was surprised at his constituency office when the truck pulled up to escort him to the fire hall where he was thanked for his support to firefighters. The McGuinty government bill, which amends the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to presume firefighters who develop any of eight identified cancers or suffer a heart attack within 24 hours of attending a fire suffered a work related illness, was passed recently.
Posted by
8:26 PM